Hi. I’m Cheryl. I’m a Christian Counselor. I love helping people feel better! I love when my clients tell me “hey, that worked!” or “I am getting along much better with XYZ” or even “I’m feeling much better.” I love empowering people to take control of how they feel and stop feeling hurt by others. I help people change their stinkin’ thinkin’, stop believing the lies they tell themselves and build hope for a better future. I also help people to learn to communicate better, not only with others but with themselves! (Bet you never thought you actually communicated with yourself!!)
I know from my years of helping others and my own experiences that changing the way you think helps you change how you feel. YOU are the only one who can do that and no one can take that power away from you! I believe understanding ourselves and understanding others can change the world.
So stop believing everything you think and request an appointment to come in and talk with me to see how I can help! (If you are finding it difficult to have hope, that’s ok. I have plenty and you are more than welcome use some of mine.)